Agenda | Symposium Registration | Call for Participation | Workshop Registration | Accommodations & Travel | Sponsoring |
General InformationOHDSI’s mission is to improve health, by empowering a community to collaboratively generate the evidence that promotes better health decisions and better care. As a community we envision a world in which observational research produces a comprehensive understanding of health and disease. OHDSI promotes a collaborative approach to research and has rapidly grown into a vibrant international community. Everyone is welcome to actively participate in OHDSI, whether as a patient, a health professional, a researcher, or someone who simply believes in our cause.
The fifth European OHDSI Symposium "Scaling up reliable evidence across Europe" will be held in Rotterdam (NL) on June 3rd, 2024, again at an inspiring location, the Steam Ship Rotterdam. The symposium is a platform to share results and ideas about the use of the OMOP-CDM, tool development, and future research. The day will include a collaborator showcase including posters and podium presentations to highlight OHDSI’s research achievements, and interactive demonstrations of OHDSI’s open-source software tools. During the symposium, we will update you on the exciting work being done all over Europe, in National Nodes, large European Projects, and other initiatives. Like last year, we will also reserve a lot of time for networking. We encourage people who are new to OHDSI and are interested to learn more about this exciting initiative to join our Journey. There is a slot reserved for newcomers to meet the experts in one-to-one sessions. The main symposium will take place on Monday, June 3rd, 2024 on the ship SS Rotterdam. Saturday, June 1st, and Sunday, June 2nd will be dedicated to workshops and workgroup meetings, to be held in the Education Centre of the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. For instructions how to arrive at the SS Rotterdam, please follow this link. For instructions how to arrive at the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, please follow this link. AgendaTo see the full agenda, please click here. Symposium RegistrationThe fee to attend the symposium is €150. With this ticket you can also attend the workshops and workgroup meetings at no additional cost. Please follow the link below to book a space: click here to register. Note: we will have 350 places for the symposium and 150 places for the workshops and workgroup meetings available! Sales end on May 20, 2024. PhD, master, and bachelor students can use the discount code: STUDENT. Call for ParticipationWe accept submissions for posters and software demonstrations that will be presented during collaborator showcases. Collaborators will be invited to share their final posters onto a poster repository on the OHDSI website. There will be a lightning talk session in which authors of selected abstracts will be invited to briefly present their work. Important dates: March 15th, 2024: Deadline for abstract submissions April 5th, 2024: Notification of acceptance and selection for the lightning talk session June 3rd, 2024: European OHDSI Symposium in Rotterdam
For more information and details on how to submit your abstract see: call for participation. Workshop RegistrationSaturday, June 1st, and Sunday, June 2nd will be dedicated to workshops and workgroup meetings. The list of workshops and meetings can be found in the agenda above. You can register for the weekend when buying a ticket. There is no separate registration for the individual workshops and workgroup meetings. Accommodation & TravelPlease note that registration to the European OHDSI Symposium only covers your attendance. All travel and accommodation arrangements are the responsibility of each participant. A special deal/arrangement has been organised with SS Rotterdam for accommodation. Please use this link to book with a discount; make sure to select the promotion rate: "Special Rate including breakfast / Speciaal Tarief inclusief ontbijt". Please find a list of other suggested hotels below:
For more travel tips: click here. SponsoringIf you would like to sponsor this event, please have a look at our sponsorship opportunities. We definitely invite all the EHDEN certified Small to Medium-sized Enterprises to book a stand and meet new Data Partners. QuestionsIf you have any further questions about the OHDSI symposium please send an email to: |