Our vision is to advance observational health research on a national level using the OMOP CDM, and the OHDSI toolkit, as a common foundation. Our OHDSI NL node will serve as a unifier to help all involved forward on the journey towards more reliable and reproducible research. OHDSI NL will be coordinated by the Health Data Science group from Erasmus MC, which has a close link to both the EHDEN and DARWIN coordinating center.
As a national node our objective is to create a local OHDSI community in the Netherlands. With a common healthcare system, coding systems and common EHR vendors uniting us, we face similar challenges when reusing healthcare data for observational research. Instead of dealing with these challenges individually, we hope to gain synergy from joining forces.
In short, our goals are to:
- create a national community where we can learn from each other by sharing knowledge
- maintain an overview of national data partners & data sets mapped to the OMOP CDM
- generate exposure of OHDSI within the Dutch health research world
- build a network of knowledge to support (cross-institutional) observational research on a national level
- convince and support data holders to map their data to the OMOP CDM
- identify potential research opportunities on a national level
- perform research with observational data on a national level
- contribute to international network studies
Leading Organisation
Renske Los & Aniek Markus
Department of Medical Informatics,
Erasmus MC University Medical Center
PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting address: Na-2613, Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam
Name |
Organisation |
Department |
Renske Los | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Aniek Markus | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Mees Mosseveld | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Maxim Moinat | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Victor Pera | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Tom Seinen | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Marcel de Wilde | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Ross Williams | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Cynthia Yang | Erasmus MC | Medical Informatics (Health Data Science group) |
Anton Porcu | Erasmus MC | Research Suite |
Amrit Sandhu | Erasmus MC | |
Laura Verbeij | Erasmus MC | International Value Based Healthcare |
Lisa Hoogendam | Erasmus MC | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery |
Ruud Selles | Erasmus MC | Rehabilitation Medicine & Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery |
Harm Slijper | Equipe Zorgbedrijven / Erasmus MC | |
Chiara Attanasio | IKNL | |
Irene Cara | IKNL | |
Jelle Evers | IKNL | |
Peter Prinsen | IKNL | |
Maaike van Swieten | IKNL | |
Manon Merkelbach | VieCuri Medical Center | |
Ronald Cornet | Amsterdam UMC | Medical Informatics |
Joris Lieverse | Amsterdam UMC | |
Dagmar Ouweneel | Amsterdam UMC | |
Ferishta Raiez | Amsterdam UMC | NICE R&S / Medical Informatics |
David Vallez Garcia | Amsterdam UMC | |
Priyanka | Amsterdam UMC | |
Prabash Darshanapriya | Maastricht University | |
Komal Gilani | Maastricht University | |
Isabelle Bos | NIVEL | |
Lucy Overbeek | NIVEL | |
Anne van der Kant | Health-RI | |
Pim Volkert | Health-RI & TU/e | |
Sofia Bazakou | The Hyve | |
Jan Blom | The Hyve | |
Julia Kurps | The Hyve | |
Stefan Payralbe | The Hyve | |
Azadeh Tafreshiha | The Hyve | |
Anne van Winzum | The Hyve | |
Hanne van Ballegooijen | IQVIA | |
Milou Brand | IQVIA | |
Xose Fernandez | IQVIA | |
Nikolai Grewe | IQVIA | |
Hugo Vernooij | IQVIA | |
Dina Vojinovic | IQVIA | |
Tim Grevelink | Timformatie | |
Sebastiaan van Sandijk | Odysseus Data Services | |
Jos Hendrikx | Santeon | |
Sander Dalhuisen | Janssen-Cilag | |
Robert Snijder | Astellas | |
Arie de Haan | Cloud Senang | |
Piers Mahon | Digicore | |
Stefan Haan | LOGEX | |
Bjorn Wouters | LOGEX |
Data Partners
Data Source Name |
Organisation |
Type |
Link |
Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus MC | EHR, Primary Care | |
Netherlands Cancer Registry
IKNL | Registry | |
Amsterdam UMC | Research (Preclinical Alzheimer's progression) | |
VieCuri Medical Center | Hospital | |
NICE registry
NICE R&S | Intensive Care data (NL) | |
Pulse | Equipe Zorgbedrijven | outcomes (prom, prem trom), patient data, appointment data | https://www.handwriststudygroup.org/ |
Many different sources | IQVIA | hospital, GP, claims | |
ICUdata | Stichting ICUdata | Intensive Care EHR |
How to get involved?
We would like to invite you to join our national node! Whether you are new to OHDSI or a veteran, together we can make a difference. Please fill out this form, and we will get in touch with you.